Lab Grown FAQS
What is a lab grown diamond?
Lab grown diamonds are created using technological processes in a controlled lab environment, replicating the conditions under which natural diamonds form. Just like natural diamonds, Lab Grown Diamonds are 100% carbon, and measure 10 on the Mohs hardness scale.
Is there a difference between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds?
There is only one difference between the two. Natural diamonds are formed in nature, whereas lab grown diamonds are man made in a lab. Chemically and visually both are identical. Even gemologists cannot view and distinguish between the two.
Should I buy Lab Grown Diamonds?
If sustainability, conflict free sourcing, saving money, and looking your best is important to you, then yes for sure! Lab Grown Diamonds are easy on the pocket and offer the same brilliant look of natural diamonds! Perfect for traveling with, a night out, or even everyday wear!
Are there grading reports (certificates) for lab grown diamonds?
Yes, lab grown diamonds receive grading reports, using the same scale and parameters to those for natural diamonds. The world’s leading labs certify lab grown diamonds. (GIA/HRD/IGI/others)
How is a lab grown diamond made?
Lab grown diamonds are produced by replicating natural diamond formation conditions, involving either Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) or High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) processes in a lab setting.
How can you tell a lab grown diamond & natural diamond apart?
Only specialized machines in labs can distinguish them, but to the naked eye, they are indistinguishable.
Can others tell I am wearing lab grown diamonds?
To the naked eye, it is impossible for anyone to distinguish between lab grown and natural diamonds.
Why are lab grown diamonds cheaper than natural diamonds?
Lab grown diamonds are less expensive due to lower production costs in comparison to natural diamonds.
What are the benefits of a Lab Grown Diamond?
Benefits include ethical sourcing, environmentally friendly production, & affordable pricing for beautiful creations!
Is my lab grown diamond going to visibly change over time?
No! As lab grown diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds, there will be no tarnish or changes to the look of the diamond. However, annual servicing of jewelry is suggested to get the jewelry cleaned and looking brand new!